ORDER FORM 'Fiddlers Rest' From: ____________________________ Gaveston Hall Drive Nuthurst Horsham Address: ____________________________ W.Sussex RH13 6RG ENGLAND ____________________________ ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ E-Mail / CIS ID: ____________________________ Qty Unit Price Total ___ HelpBuilder œ35.00 _____ ___ HelpBuilder SpellChecker œ30.00 _____ ___ Setup Builder œ35.00 _____ ___ SpellChecker Developer Edition œ35.00 _____ Postage / packing / handling ___ Per disk œ5.00 _____ ___ Any number of user license numbers œ2.50 _____ Total _____ Cheque/Bank draft enclosed UKœ _____ Please make cheques/bankers drafts payable to Mr G.Plowman. Cheques and bankers drafts must be made out in Pounds Sterling and drawn on a British Bank. Upon receipt of this paid invoice, a current disk and notifications of upgrades will be sent.